How would Peter Drucker react if he met his android twin today?

We don’t know. All we can do is to use our imagination – one of the attributes, along with creativity, reason, feelings and empathy, that are still unique to humans.

That said, there can be no doubt that AI will shake up the very foundations of society, changing human relations, what we do and how, forever.

So we would like your opinion: How can we maintain the human face of society in the context of AI? Can Peter Drucker’s human-centered approach be of help? What should be the new roles and responsibilities of institutions and their management? What kind of leadership, talent and organizational culture will be required? Above all, how can AI be used to allow us as individuals to make the very most of ourselves as human beings?


Winners of the Drucker Challenge Essay Award 2018

Students Category

1. Ramesh Krishnan Thekke Parambu Madom (JP)
"A Compassionate AI for Grandpa Drucker"



2. Chizurum Anabaraonye (NG)
"What Would the Future of our Society Look Like when Machines Takeover? (An Open Letter to 21st Century Managers)"


3. Amoaben Agyeman-Nkansah (GH)
"MAN vs iMAN"



Places 4th to 10th

4. Giorgos Sioutzos (GR)
"Timeless Meta-Skills and Virtues My Parents Revealed "
5. Aizhan Akhmetzhanova (KZ)
"The Three C’s of Staying Human in Robot Society"
6. Sebastian Woller (DE)
"The Last Testament of Peter Drucker"
7. Marcos Masukawa (JP)
"If Peter Drucker was a software developer, how would he use artificial intelligence to help managers?"
8. Jose Eduardo Sto. Domingo (PH)
"Management and Data Science"
9. ChunChu Song (CN)
"Humanity gets along with AI"
10. Biswas Kapasule (ZW)
"Reclaiming Individuality in the Age of AI"

Places 11th to 20th (no ranking)

Carlotta Belviso (IT)
Don’t Panic: The Drucker’s Guide to Manage Yourself as Human Being
Mukund Choudhary (IN) *
"Who's the Moron?"                                                                                      
Alodiamyr Garcia (PH)
"The Real Masters"
Kanika Ghocha (US)
"The Age of Discontinuity II: from a management consultant to a student"
James Guild (SG)
"The Robot and His Hologram"
Pranjali Gupta (IN)
"Humanity’s simultaneous quest for redundancy and significance - and why the two are a parallel, not a paradox"
Sailesh Singh (IN)
"Fallout of a digital detonation: How to endure and stay relevant"
Igor Sokolov (RU)
"RoboMan vs HumaRobot: Battle for the Future"
Hai Tran (US)
"Emotional Intelligence of Human vs. Robot"
Shagun Tripathi (IN)
"Humanity 101: Creativity, Failure and the Power of Empathy"


Winners of the Drucker Challenge Essay Award 2018

Managers/Entrepreneurs Category

1. Emma Martinho-Truswell (AU)
"The answers a machine will never have"



2. Angela Pham (US)
"Man in the Mirror: How leaders can maintain humanity in a robot-driven society"


3. Meg Seitz (US)
"Creativity, Community, and Respect: Three Human Experiences A.I. Will Never Understand - and Shouldn’t " 


Places 4th to 10th

4. William Carbone (IT) *
"An inspiring conversation with Peter Drucker"
5. Samantha Amenn (US)
"The Future of Digital Man"
6. Caren Rodrigues (IN)
"Teaching Organizational Behavior to Indian B-School Students in an AI World"
7. Raghunath Nageswaran (IN)
"The Question of Inequality in a Robot Society - Understanding Value Creation and Distributing Rewards Fairly to Remain Human"
8. Daniel Adeyemi (NG)
"Preserving Humanity in the Face of AI"
9. Aima Jwalane Majola (CF)
"Think, Collaborate and create better to improve the World!"
10. Lilia Bacu (US)
"Drucker vs AI, Who Would Win?"


Places 11th to 20th (no ranking)

Shawn Eneje (NG)
The ever-changing new world
Myreli Xavier de Lima (BR)
"Human Prospects in the era of Artificial Intelligence - Reflections about Work"
Sarjeet Kajla (IN)
"Be Kind to Ourself"
Oluwaseun Oguntade (DE)
"From Fear to Faith: Learning about AI, our new Friend."
Babatunde Onabajo (UK)
"How can we put the “human” back into the recruiting process?"
Tian Sern Oon (SG)
"Staying human is the driving force of an AI World"
Dimeji Padonu (NG)
"The Indispensable Option"
Nadya Saib (ID)
"A Contemplation on Being Human"
Drashti Shah (IN)
"AI, the Human Potential and Development: How changes, choices, community and knowledge play and important role in the 21st century"
Kriti Singh (IN)
"An Employee’s Ecosystem – (De)Humanizing Effects of AI"

Judging Panel

Stefan Güldenberg
Dean of the Graduate School, Chair of International Management at the Department of Entrepreneurship, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz

Julia Kirby
Senior Editor, Harvard University Press, Author (with Thomas Davenport) of "Only Humans need apply: Winners & Losers in the Age of Smart Machines"

Elizabeth Edersheim
Founder New York Consulting Partners, Author of “McKinsey’s Marvin Bower” and “The Definitive Drucker