Whether a team or an organization you are part of was permanently damaged by the disruption, or only bruised – or took the challenge in stride and learned from it – isn’t just a matter of how big a challenge it faced. It has to do with its level of resilience. In your essay entry for this year’s Drucker Challenge, we want to hear how your peers, colleagues, or leadership responded when the going got tough, and how you think they – and we – could build a greater capability not only to face future setbacks but to come out stronger.

You might also share your personal story if you feel it would inspire others.

Is there an organization you’ve seen displaying an inspiring level of resilience? If so, tell us what you think were the keys to it, and what that example could teach the rest of us. For instance, does it point to skills or processes we could put in place, individually and collectively, that would better prepare us to navigate future storms?

You might want to take your essay into wider territory. For example: Can you perceive a generational or cultural difference in abilities to “bounce back”? Is the rising generation of managers and leaders more or less resilient than other cohorts, and if so, why? Does greater power to recover from calamity come with experience and perspective? Can it be learned from lectures and books? Finally: How important is it to improve organizational and individual resilience? Taking the long view, is this really a time of greater change than in the past, and – among all the superpowers you might choose to develop – does resilience have the highest priority?

Winners of the Drucker Challenge Essay Award 2023

Students Category

1. Abhishek Banerjee (India)
SHGs: The Underdogs enabling Indian's Economic Recovery


2. Justin Sucgang (Philippines)
Both Sides Now: A Druckerian Approach to Bouncing Back


3. Daniela Silva (Brazil)
A smooth sea never made a good sailor - Navigating Adversity with Resilience


Places 4th to 10th

4. Florian Boehme (DE)
About the Joy of Missing Out
5. Emmanuel Ejiofor (NG)
Recipe for Resilience: Lessons from Different Generations
6. Lotachukwu Udenta (NG)
Buying Resilience in Life's Stock Exchange
7. Tyler Whiteman (USA)
Bouncing Back: A Journey from BFA to MBA
8. Mariana Demboski (BR) *
Into a Child's World. A fantastic way of learning resilience
9. Li Jie Denise Ong (SG)
A Daughter's Take On A Real Estate Agent's Fatherly Love: An Essay About Resilience
10. Isabelle Felix (BR)
Rising as a Phoenix


Places 11th to 16th (no ranking) in alphabetical order

Joana Paim da Luz (BR)
What puzzles should we play to develop resilience in the 21st century?
Vera Hampel (CH)
Resilience is in the Ordinary - Or: Five things a PhD student learns about resilience
Qudus Oladeji (MA)
Larissa Oliveira (BR)
Everest teachings in the business world
Maria Eduarda Silva (BR)
Resilience as a Vision of Prosperity
Shivam Tiwari (SG)
The Phoenix Within: Bouncing back from Depression

Winners of the Drucker Challenge Essay Award 2023

Managers/Entrepreneurs Category

1. Bradley Andrews (USA)
Prescience in the Modern World or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Wear a Helmet


2. Parikshit Khanna (India)
Seeds of Revolution - Cultivating the Spirit of Resilience


3. Kalina Deng (USA)
Silk Magnolia


Places 4th to 10th

4. Rachit Bangar (AE) *
Generating Creative Resilience: From (Resourceful) Knowledge Worker to (Entrepreneurial) Augment Leader
5. Simbarashe Mandonye (ZW)
Resilience- acceptance
6. Thainan da Silva Rocha (BR)
An Austrian Remedy for Burnout
7. Precious Daluz (PH)
Back in the Classroom: An Art Teacher Consults Drucker on Restorative Educational Leadership
8. Shareefa Jewan (CA)
From Blackouts to Rainbows
9. Chinemerem Ikeogu (NG)
Lemons, lemonade, and overused cliche
10. Jazel Ann Castillo (PH)
Undocumented Voices of Bouncing Back with Peter Drucker


Places 11th to 15th (no ranking) in alphabetical order

Nancy Dabas (IN)
Peter Drucker May Agree to This: Watch the Flower Grow, Right Through the Cracks
Alexandra Kodjabachi (UK)
How Light Enters You: The 3 As of Resilience
Nicolle Ma (US)
Elegant Adaptability and the Ancient Japanese Repair Method of Kintsugi
Thokozani Makuyana (ZW)
The Gods That Failed
Ekoja Okewu (NG)
How I Bounced Back After Several Defeats To Become A Creative Writer